Roger Green

Roger is recognized as one of the world's most innovative and dynamic teachers on Feng Shui. A lively and enthusiastic teaching style, he illuminates and explores the deeper principles and underlying wisdom of this ancient philosophy. Integrating the various schools of Feng Shui into a creative, flexible and holistic approach, Roger is one of the most sought after educators and consultants. His teaching is grounded and very accessable, providing information and knowledge that can be applied and used immediately.

With twenty years of experience and practical involvement with Feng Shui and natural healing, Roger has developed a unique ability to communicate the subtleties of Oriental thought in a profound and meaningful way.

He is a pioneer of Feng Shui in the west, having been one of the first to teach classical Feng Shui methods in Europe, London and America. He was the first to develop a western lo pan, and seminars to teach the 4 pillars, flying star, lo pan and ba zhai methods. Roger Green has also developed a unique system of Feng Shui for the southern hemisphere. He has taught in over 40 countries and 100 cities, and has trained hundreds of practitioners.

Organising Feng Shui study tours in China, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and sponsoring Feng Shui and Ecology conferences in Prague, Zurich, Australia and the USA. He has also sponsored Sacred Geometry events in 4 continents.

Roger Green conducts Professional Feng Shui Practitioner programmes in Europe, London, America and Australia. Roger's past teaching locations include: European School of Feng Shui - Sweden-Stockholm, Amsterdam, Prague, Zurich; Florida School of Feng Shui - Miami, USA; New York School of Feng Shui - New York City, USA, South America School of Feng Shui - Argentina, Brazil, Chile; Sydney School of Feng Shui - Sydney, Australia;
New Zealand School of Feng Shui.

Roger is currently teaching students at the following schools:

The New York School of Feng Shui
The European School of Feng Shui
The Academy of Sacred Geometry
The Academy of Healing Nutrition


Finding Roger Green was perfect. After two years of researching both schools and teachers of Feng Shui, it was intuitive, magical, and fitting - like the study itself.

Roger is a well of knowledge, seemingly bottomless. He is able to weave together a rich colourful tapestry of history, science, mysticism, astrology, health, as well as rock n roll and politics to present both an cosmological overview and deeply personal experience of the finest art - maximizing our place and many paths into the manifest and physical world.

In Roger's teaching, this extremely complex material remains interesting, provocative, alluring, and universal. His manner is humble and kind, his humor subtle and intelligent. His classes are a gift to be cherished.

There is no red envelop that could enclose my appreciation.
Eliane Abramoff, New York City

I have found the training offered by Feng Shui Design International to be of superior quality and of a breadth and scope which well covers all of the significant terrain that one needs to learn to competantly practice Feng Shui in either hemisphere.
Roger Green is a suberb teacher who can engage a class in such a way as to make the learning process easier and more fun.
My experience and training in his courses have enriched my practice of Feng Shui and lifted me to new height of ability and expertise, for which I am most grateful. Most highly recommended indeed.
Milt, Feng Shui Practitioner, Canada

Dear Reader,
I can recommend Roger Green's feng shui study tours from personal experience. I went to Japan, China and Tibet with Roger's 2000 feng shui study tour and had the time of my life!

In Kyoto, we visited some of the world's most beautiful gardens and temples. If I had to pick a favorite it would be the Honen-In temple, but there were so many wonderful places, and the Zen gardens in Kyoto were fantastic.

In Shanghai we studied with three extremely learned Chinese professors. I found these lectures invaluable. We also visited famous sites in and around the city, with the best guides you could hope for. Zhouzhuang Village was particularly charming, and the gardens in Suzhou were incredible (I liked the Mountain Villa With Embracing Beauty most of all).

In Tibet, we toured the Potala Palace, the Jokhang Temple, and a number of buddhist monasteries. The feng shui that we could see (and the atmosphere we could feel) in these places was outstanding. Of course, Tibet has an atmosphere all of its own, and the scenery is out of this world.

Roger is a great organiser, and a wonderful travelling companion. I plan to go to China again with Roger in 2002.

Yours sincerely,
Paul van Wetering

Really looking forward to seeing you again in November! By the way, on a personal note and from deep within, your food energetics class has changed my life! Already the benefits are too numerous to just a huge big "Go Raibh Mile Maith Agat!" as we say around these parts...a million thanks to you! Until we meet again!
Monica McGhee

I came across a quote today which sums up my feelings since I have started taking your modules:
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more mysterious. -- Albert Schweitzer
The Feng Shui I studied before was like splashing around in the kiddie pool. This year it is like: Hold your noses, guys, we're going in off the deep end. One more thing: The redesign of your website: Looking gooooooood!

Take care,
Alice Alsever

Hello Roger, How are you? There is something i`ve read and i wanted to share it with you. "What does it mean, to be a real teacher?" It is someone that is able to see the student as a precious stone that needs to be polished with a lot of ability...and after polished it will "shine".(Mitch Albom)

I've been studying a lot the tapes we recorded from your Seminars(98/99/2000).And I came to the conclusion that you're not only a good teacher but you are a poet and philosopher!!!.. Well, I hope you are doing fine, and I hope to hear from you soon.

My best regards,

I am very satisfied, Mr.Green is not dogmatic, he recommends us to work with our intuition. This I like.
Alena Bezpalcova, Prague

Dear Roger, For over a year now, I have meant to post a note to you, to just say how much I honor and acknowledge your focus and knowledge. I presented at a workshop at Kripalu for the weekend of Feng Shui that was sponsored a couple of Oct.'s ago in Massachusetts.

I left that weekend humbled by what you and the person that worked with you (Craig) offered. When I see people moving with the level of integrity and wisdom that you do, it is my inclination to take a moment to say thank you for what I gain from your example, so...I send along blessings to you and your family for all you do for so many people. Your itinerary for workshops is wonderful- have a safe and wonderful year!

From the Heart,
Sue Hirschberger

STUDY TOUR, passion & caring people...where have all these gone?! I did find beauty, passionate & caring people in Tibet & it's such a wonderful experience..I will treasure every moment I spent in Tibet.
Cher Devey

I really am delighted with your class and thank you for putting it all together as it should be. Then you stood there on the first morning and said that Feng Shui was one of the 8 rays of TCM. I don't know if you could hear a loud rattling sound eminating from my head as all the cylindars clicked into place. Yes! That makes sense! As you listed all eight I was amused to see that my husband basically does six and I will be doing the other two (Feng Shui and Astrology). Finally we would be on the same page!
Alice Alsever, USA

Studying Feng Shui with Roger Green gave me an understanding about the underling principles of Feng Shui and the depth of the subject. He is an teacher that generously share his knowledge and experience with his students, and patiently answers all our endless questions. I feel very inspired to continue studding and practicing science and art of Feng Shui. Thank You for that Roger.
Natasha Frykman, Stockholm

Thank you for a very interesting and inspiring Feng Shui Module 1 seminar (10-13 March). It is not very often you meet such an entusiastic lecturer.
Tone, Interior Designer, Stockholm

Your classes are enlightening. It is a pleasure to study this material with you, and I look forward to the next several modules.
Stratton, Landscape Architect

First of all I would like to thank you for putting on such a wonderful seminar in NY this past March. Roger, you are a great teacher and presenter. The seminar was well organized and went a perfect pace. I have learned so much, your insights and knowledge are invaluable. Over these past few months I have the opportunity to apply my new knowledge to help my friends and family improve and enhance their lives. This is fun to watch. They are thrilled that I am taking this. For me, I have opened other channels in my life especially in the travel and career areas.
Betsey Stephens

Greetings from Co.Wicklow and a massively big Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you! I've been meaning to write since Monday evening when I got back from London, but was simply too excited to think straight! It's quite literally taken me until now to come down from the clouds....I can't even begin to tell you how much I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and being part of the course, and for someone who's rarely short for words, this time I'm pretty stumped!

I cannot believe how much my underworked brain has learned since this time last week, phenomenal to put it quite mildly! (As you can imagine, singing along with Barney and Bananas in Pyjamas is sometimes the capacity of learning in my day!!). I'm am SO excited about the next year of learning with you and an entire lifetime of putting my knowledge into action for myself and others!

Can't wait until June! From the bottom of my heart, a deep and sincere thanks for your knowledge, your understanding, your patience and your natural "Dudeness"!! Will have a pint of Guinness in your honour!
Monica McGhee

I taught a Permaculture and Feng Shui course last year in Austin Texas with a very talented Insightful Feng Shui Designer from Australia named Roger Green. We found that the two subjects work very well together, our teaching blended well together, and the students benefited greatly. Roger is a world class Feng Shui teacher who is professional in a relaxed Australian style that blends comfortably with many cultures. We had a good time and learned a lot from each other.
Patrica Michael. Permaculture teacher and Eco Designer

Whilst on line I would like to say how much I e n j o y e d your lectures/talks/stories . I find your depth of knowledge astounding. You are able to link so many important aspects of Feng Shui and other related subjects together into an understandable whole that I can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Roger Green has an enthusiasm for Feng Shui which pervades the very soul. He is a very skilled practitioner and teacher of the subject with an ability to present a complex subject in easily understandable sections, weaving the delicate parts together into a satisfying whole. His depth of knowledge is outstanding, drawing on his experience of Form School, Compass School, Chinese Medicine, Macrobiotics, Astrology and the Five Element Theory and integrating this into the traditional Western Philosophies of sustainable products, pollution control, environmental design, interior design and energy management. It is a journey that you dare not miss.

I'VE BEEN ROGERED! Watch out for the whites of the eyes! The enthusiasm will get you. Take plenty of paper and pens, you will need them, and make sure that you turn up with a clear head. On Rogers Journey you travel at 100 miles an hour. If you fancy a breather - get him pissed on Guinness on party night! ...................PARTY ON ROGER!
Architect, Wales

Roger teaches fundamental principles and firm foundations on which you can build further knowledge.
Susan Pryke, Homeopath & Interior Alignment Practitioner

Excellent Teaching: clear, simple and with humour.
Ann Davis, PR Director

Subject is very well explained and covered - Excellent.
Rosslyn Toft, Secretary

Roger’s teaching and the content were both excellent.
Emi Hongo

Roger is wonderfully down-to-earth.
Jennifer Bayliss, Art Director

Roger has an excellent, clear method of explanation.
Gilly Holloway, Designer

I thoroughly enjoyed it - The information was good / enjoyed the company.
Joan Farmer, Teacher

I like Roger Green’s teaching talent the most. I have learned more because he integrates it all so well.
A. Rigg, Marketing Consultant

Professional, knowledgeable - Worldly and down to earth - Happily balanced.

Superb, a lot of very complicated information was presented with great clarity.

I enjoyed Roger a lot, he is full of information. I am looking forward studying with him in the future.

Excellent presentation of potentially confusing information.

The course covered information which is very difficult to understand from books but it is essential for practicing Feng Shui. 
Beverly Wood

I have been using the compass techniques since studying with Roger Green , and they have really helped me to understand more about how all the elements of feng shui come together. His knowledge has certainly broadened my horizons.
Chris Kyriacou, London-based Architect, Feng Shui consultant

Roger was easy to follow and very patient. I hope he becomes a regular...He simply got us started in the right direction.

Roger is very detailed, he draws you in. He has a great desire to give knowledge and communicated very well. His material was excellent, both for beginners and advanced. He involved the entire class.

Roger’s focus was intense, he created good chi in the class.

I would like to thank you for the time and energy you put into the course, I really enjoyed it. When I looked through my notes I was totally amazed at the information we got through.
Karen Cattermole, France

I liked the content and information. The course had a nice relaxed atmosphere.

Roger’s approach and flexibility added to my enjoyment of the course. I now feel that I can use what I have learnt for myself and those I know.

Very good in depth content explained in excellent laymen’s terms.
Elspeth Thorburn, Administrator

What I liked most about this event was the fact that Roger did a very fundamental course teaching those areas that are hardly covered in most books.
Nazin Iranfor, Homemaker

His teaching style is lively and enthusiastic and his dedication to the subject has culminated in some of the most brilliant teaching materials and course notes. I highly recommend that students investigate Rogers professional training programmes.
William Spear, Author of ‘Feng Shui made Easy"

Roger gets the message across in an excellent manner.
Daphne Taylor, Self-employed Salad Grower

I hope to greet Roger again and again in my future.

I liked Roger’s style and the information he got across the most.
K. Hollingsworth, Teacher and Textile designer

I got a lot from Roger’s body language!
Elle Leimgruben, Austria

Roger explains the basics logically and with humour. His overview is inspiring compared to getting bagged down with all of the rules in the books.
Susie Zgaska

I was very impressed with the depth of research that Roger has done with the study of the feng shui compass. His passion for teaching comes through very strongly and he made the many layers of information very easy to understand- and great fun too! I really could not have learnt this without Roger’s teaching. He explained very clearly how to blend the various approaches and use both your intuition and the wealth of data from the lopan compass. I now use a wider range of skills to get the right results.
Susie Joyce, London-based Interior Designer and Feng Shui Consultant

These classes have opened a personal vision for me. I recommend to all who wish to broaden their horizons.
Diana Fergusson, Bio Dynamic Produce Consultant

A most informative experience and now I can go out and put it all into practice. Staff were excellent teachers and very caring people.
Lyn Street

Very enjoyable and practical. I learned a lot about how to apply Feng Shui in my life.
Chris Power, Numerology and Astrology teacher

I found the workshop fascinating, I am taking away with me practical ways of improving my life.

Superb concise presentation, you communicated well and have an instinctual feel for the subject.
Iljas Jamieson

Roger you are a good teacher, you love your work, are very knowledgeable and can translate that verbally.
Maria Rosso, Artist

Very inspiring, you encouraged our own intuition.
Joan Grounds, Sydney-based Artist

First class notes topped it all off.
Neil Hair, Managing Director

The course was ten times better than I imagined.
Shelly Macleod

I found the course to be very inspiring and practical and have recommended that friends attend your future courses.
Rod Lee, Business Consultant

Feng shui was a new concept for me and I found the subtle changes I've made in my living space is beneficial and I can feel the shift in energy. 
Rosiane Stanislas

Fascinating and a creative way to help transform and harmonise my environment and to help others.
Elizabeth Anne

Very energetic teaching.
Beth Wilson

Food Energetics Workshop

I studied nutrition at University level for the last 3 years. I have learnt more from this one day workshop on food energetic than I have for the last 3 years at UNI!!

This was an extensive course covering all the philosophy and the practical aspects of using diet and lifestyle for health and well-being. Very enlightening, it was instrumental in changing my life an contributed in a major way to enhancing my own health care practice. Excellent course for both the individual and natural Health Care professionals.
Rosemary Stewart, Shiatsu Therapist

The course was well organised and presented, it covered a wide range of topics. Thank you.
Melissa Armstrong, Western Australia

I really enjoyed the course and I found it useful personally. The lectures were great, always interesting and enjoyable and kept my attention (which does’t always happen in other courses).
Ysanne Park, Government Worker

I would like to thank and congratulate you for producing and teaching such an informative, helpful, thoughtful and inspiring course - complete with comprehensive notes and recipes, I enjoyed the practical hands ‘hands on’ approach to the cooking which lent lots of fun, excitement and satisfied stomachs to the friendly and co-operative atmosphere within the group.
Tina Lee Watson

What a fantastic introduction to macrobiotics - excellent food and company - what more cold you ask for?
Mick, Student

Thanks for the lessons on life and macrobiotics, or is it the same thing?
Sue, Nurse and Midwife

Thanks for your mind opening classes.
Jurgen, Computer Manager

It was fantastic, I learnt so much. I didn’t dare miss a class, I didn’t want to miss anything! A really interesting course.
Dorothy Dunshea

This course has challenged my existing beliefs of conventional healing. As a child birth educator I can now offer safe and effective treatment to pregnant women. It greatly aids in balancing a new mother’s energy.
Claire Cleaver, Childbirth Educator

Thanks for your courses on macrobiotics, it is very thought provoking, more than I ever imagined.
Linda, Art Teacher

This has been the most enjoyable course of study I have ever undertaken due in no small amount to the enormous enthusiasm and vast knowledge of teacher, Roger Green. The lessons invariably left me exhilarated by the fascinating content and excellent presentation. Never before have I felt so intrigued and so motivated to learn more.
Mary Ling, Sales

Roger Green es un hombre que vive y respira a cada momento, la hermosa sabidur'a del Feng Shui. Su dominio y fluidez en la materia es impresionante. Adem?s es un entretenido comunicador y una c?lida persona. Todo esto hace que sus talleres sean un experiencia oenica e iluminadora para los amantes del Feng Shui.

Roger Green leaves and breath every moment, the beautiful wisdom of Feng Shui. His knowledge and flow with the subject is remarkable. Also he is a fun communicator is and a very warm person. All these makes his workshops a unique and enlightening experience for every Feng Shui lover.

Contact Roger Green:









